About Me


I can genuinely say I am "Powerful, Confident and Beautiful" and my goal is to inspire other women to feel the same way when they wear the clothing and accessories from Strong, Thicc, and Pretty. I've learned that belief in myself has translated into a powerful mind, strong sense of confidence, and beautiful body. 

Like many women, I've struggled with my weight and self-confidence most of my life. While struggling to conceive, I became serious about weight loss and successfully lost 60 lbs thru diet and limited cardio. I worked my way back to pre-baby weight after having our 2 boys and wanted to know more about strength training. I finally worked up the courage to meet with a trainer at the gym - it was the 1st step in my journey to falling in love with lifting!

I started in the weight room for the 1st time in my life at age 39 (better late than never, right?). Over time, I learned my way around and slowly began gaining confidence, both about being in the gym and how I felt overall. The changes in my body and how I felt were amazing and I was constantly looking to do more. 

Unsure of what to expect or how I'd perform, I competed in my 1st powerlifting meet in 2018. The thought of wearing a sausage suit (aka singlet) in public was a huge deterrent but the feelings of self-doubt and insecurity were squashed by the overwhelming feeling of power and sense of accomplishment. In 2021, I set a Deadlift World Record of 435 lbs at 46 years old. I've proven to myself I'm capable of pushing past my own perceived limits while being stronger, physically and mentally, than I ever believed.

I encourage all women to find what powerlifting has given me.

  • I embrace my body for being "Strong, Thicc and Pretty."
  • I have confidence.
  • I am truly comfortable in my own skin.
  • I'm no longer afraid to fail.

Join me!