

It starts with believing in yourself. Remind yourself of everything you've accomplished up to this point, challenges you've overcome and goals you've accomplished. You can and you will!


Ever heard the saying "If you're not failing, you're not trying"? The path to success includes failure - it's inevitable and should be embraced as part of the process. Failure usually causes me to quesiton everything, including my abilities and can rock my confidence at times. I chose to get back up to prove to myself I'm capable of being better and achieving more.

Failure forces us to identify and fix weaknesses, allows us to grow and improve and ultimately trimuph in victory. Don't let failure keep you down - chose to get back up!

Be Intentional

On those days I'm just not into training, I focus on my goal and ask myself, "how bad do you want it?". Show up, give it your all and get it done - BE INTENTIONAL!

Stronger and More Capable

When it feels overwhelming or near impossible, remind yourself of the times you've overcome and proven to yourself you are stronger and more capable than you realize..